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For over 30 years Biemmedue, a Piedmontese company based in Cherasco, in the province of Cuneo, world leader in Made in Italy and professional products in the field of heating, cleaning and dehumidification, produces equipment for industrial cleaning in a line that takes the name of Arcomat.

Arcomat di Biemmedue offers a wide selection of professional products dedicated to cleaning, indicated to treat all types of dirt in all environments and for all realities, with particular attention to current regulations and the standards required in each sector.

The goal is to interpret and respond to the needs of the professional cleaning market in a concrete, direct and flexible way, responding to each specific request with quality, professionalism and competence.

Not only that: Biemmedue is always very attentive to development, innovation and research, thus ensuring effective products from every point of view and new solutions that are able to save time, costs and efforts of operators and companies working in the field of cleaning.

The Arcomat line of Biemmedue includes:

All the products of the Arcomat line are easy to use and remarkably efficient: practicality of use, ergonomics, compact and compact volumes, top quality construction materials and resistance to use make them highly professional cleaning products.

Many other strengths of the Arcomat products from Biemmedue: cutting-edge design and construction technology, thanks to the use of CAD-CAM systems, specific solutions for the most diverse user sectors, strict Quality Control procedures (UNI ENISO 9001: 2008) and compliance with the strictest international performance and safety standards.

The Biemmedue industrial cleaning product line is intended for customers, operators and companies, operating in the most varied sectors:

  • Medium-small companies
  • Large companies
  • Ho.Re.Ca. (hotels, restaurants, bars)
  • Industrial plants
  • Shops
  • Stores
  • Workshops and Sheds
  • Cleaning companies
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Libraries
  • Public entities
  • Location for events, fairs and events