The complete ARCOMAT line that includes high-pressure cleaners, professional and industrial vacuum cleaners, floor cleaners, Sweepers, Single disc floor machines and scrubber-dryers

The BIEMMEDUE Company has been designing, producing and marketing a complete line of machines for cleaning and sanitizing any type of environment for 40 years, designed for any application, from domestic to industrial.

Headquartered in Cherasco, in the province of Cuneo, BM2 offers the best solutions thanks to its network of Italian and international technicians and dealers, which has allowed the company to become a leader and partner of reference throughout the world.

Each machine is designed to interpret and respond to the needs of the professional cleaning market in a concrete, direct and flexible way, responding to each specific request with quality, professionalism and competence.

Not only: BIEMMEDUE is always very attentive to development, innovation and research, thus ensuring effective products from every point of view and new solutions that are able to save time, costs and efforts of operators and companies working in the field of cleaning.

The ARCOMAT line of BIEMMEDUE includes:

  • high-pressure cleaners

  • professional and industrial vacuum cleaners

  • sweepers

  • Floor cleaners

  • Single disc floor machines

  • scrubber-dryers

pulizia professionale arcomat macchine per la pulizia industriale biemmedue made in italy idropulitrici spazzatrici .jpg

All the products of the ARCOMAT line are easy to use and highly efficient: ease of use, ergonomics, compact and compact volumes, top quality construction materials and resistance to use make them highly professional cleaning products.

Multiple other strengths of BIEMMEDUE products: cutting-edge design and construction technology, thanks to the aid of CAD-CAM systems, specific solutions for the most diverse user sectors, rigorous Quality Control procedures (UNI ENISO 9001: 2008) and compliance with the most stringent international performance and safety standards.

The line of products for industrial cleaning is intended for customers, operators and companies operating in the most varied sectors:

  • Medium-small companies

  • Large companies

  • Ho.Re.Ca. (hotels, restaurants, clubs)

  • Industrial plants

  • Shops Stores

  • Workshops and warehouses

  • Cleaning companies

  • Hospitals

  • Schools

  • Libraries

  • Public entities

  • Location for events, fairs and events