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When it’s time to buy a heater is good to know  how it will be used and for what it will be used:

CONSTRUCTION: construction represents one of the principal sectors where heaters are used. Surely on site professional , durable and suitable for outdoors heaters are used. What makes these machines particularly strong is the ability to work also in severe weather conditions . In open air work areas are mostly used diesel-fuelled heaters with direct combustion or gas gpl ones.

Here is where the Biemmedue heaters are mainly used:

  • Construction spaces heating

  • Buildings and paint drying

LOGISTICS: nowadays Heating up with traditional energy systems  warehouses and industrial sites can become very expensive. Forced air space heaters can be the solution for a fast and efficient heating  system on large areas. The most used ones in this sector are the electrical threephases mobile space heaters with an extra powerful heating system ,which also offers the fan option and the diesel-fuelled hiters with indirect combustion. The last ones are made with a second chimney used to direct the smoke outdoor ( this machine can be installed both outside and inside. If outside, the hot air goes through flezible perforated sheaths and makes its way to the inside , the area that needs to be heated. )

AGRICOLTURE: as for the construction, also the Farmers are usually used to work in severe weather conditions. Forced air space heaters are the solution for the heating of breeding areas and greenhouses. It’s not always possible or suggested to use traditional energy systems, that’s the reason why a good solution for the farms is to use mobile diesel/gas-fuelled or electrical forced air space heaters.

EVENTS: forced air space heaters are commonly used for events, circus tents, exhibitions or anything else that takes place in winter season. In these occasions diesel/gas- fuelled or electrical heaters are ideal!

EMERGENCY: forced air space heaters have been a big solution also in emergency situations. Because of natural disasters, heaters have been already used to heat up refugee camps, emergency tents or to dry flooded buildings. These machines, thanks to their extremely fast installation system, guarantee an immediate solution to the issue.


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