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Anti-Covid sanitation

Sanitation to eliminate the risk of contagion from Coronavirus in closed environments: public places, businesses, schools and offices.

Covid is back, by now we know it well. The infections are increasing every day and the risk of contracting the virus becomes higher and higher. It is necessary to intervene and do it promptly and in an effective and powerful way, if you do not want to incur new restrictions and Lockdowns that will put an economic and health situation that is now at the end of the line even more in crisis.

Total security, this is the goal to be pursued in the coming months.

The daily sanitation of all closed environments, especially those open to the public, must become a habit to ensure safety and reduce the microbial load within safe limits.

Sanitizing with steam is the most effective method

Although Covid-19 is still an unknown virus, it has been compared by virologists to SARS-coronavirus. And what we do know is that temperatures above 60 ° C inactivate the virus.

BIEMMEDUE steam generators reach temperatures of 190 ° C and this guarantees complete sanitation and the elimination of viruses and bacteria present in the environment with a single treatment.

Furthermore, the steam cleaning method does not require the use of chemical detergents and is therefore ideal for sanitizing environments in which many people "circulate", because it allows you to resume normal work activities immediately after the end of the treatment without risk to health.

The steam produced by the Biemmedue steam generators contains only minimal percentages of micro particles of water so as to ensure a thorough cleaning of every surface and the complete elimination of grease, dirt, encrustations, ... without producing dust.

Having a Steam Generator right away for your business allows you to deal with the daily sanitation of spaces, surfaces, tools and objects, thus guaranteeing maximum safety for each customer.

BIEMMEDUE models recommended for sanitization and disinfection

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Steam cleaning technology can be used daily for sanitizing and deep sanitizing of all shops and businesses

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