Ozone neutralizes bacteria and inactivates viruses

The BIEMMEDUE ozone generator for total sanitation

The world is grappling with the Coronavirus again.

After a summer slowdown, infections have returned to rise in every part of the planet, raising new concerns for health and for the world economy. It is therefore important to try to intervene to block the virus and make the environments in which we live, work and spend our time safe and healthy.

Cleaning, sanitation and disinfection are actions that must become part of our daily habits.

The ozone sanitization neutralizes bacteria and inactivates viruses with an effectiveness of 99%

Ozone is a natural gas with disinfectant power that has a strong activity on bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, mites and also has a deodorizing action.

Ozone carries out its action of eliminating microorganisms and odors by oxidation, losing an atom and returning to being oxygen. So, after use, it becomes pure oxygen without releasing residues and avoiding the use of detergents and chemicals. The environments, after the treatment, are healthier and odor-free.

In addition to completely and quickly eliminating bacteria and viruses, ozone cleans the air in the room which becomes healthy and clean: prevention from diseases, allergies and infections also involves the correct sanitization of the air we breathe and the water we use.


The operation of ozone as a sanitizer is very simple: oxygen enters the generator and is transformed into ozone and supplied. Its action is rapid and powerful: it eliminates bacteria and viruses thanks to its oxidizing properties and cleans the air in the room which becomes healthy and clean.

Ozone, therefore, is generated naturally by transforming the oxygen present in the room air. Once the treatment is finished, it is necessary to ventilate the environment, which becomes fresh and healthy again.

Improves indoor air quality and increases the healthiness of any environment, public, private and business, quickly and with extreme safety

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OZONECristian Montà