The products of Biemmedue company from Piemonte, with headquarters in Cherasco in the Province of Cuneo, world leader in professional, in industrial cleaning and in professional dehumidifying, with its Arcotherm, Arcomat and Arcodry product lines, included ideal, easy to install, ready for use solutions at relatively contained costs, geared towards the elimination of damages caused by emergency situations.

During emergency situations or natural disasters, such as floods, sudden cold spells, … it is imperative to react in a timely manner, under any circumstances. It is necessary to fine temporary solutions, which can have a duration of hours, days, weeks, and sometimes months and years, so that the emergency can be controlled and will not cause too much damage.

Biemmedue products allow the rapid heating of temporary shelters for the victims, as well as the drying of flooded sites and buildings.

Let’s begin with dehumidifying which is absolutely essential for the drying of flooded buildings. The large range of Biemmedue’s dehumidifiers, permit the choice of the best product for each situation from among high efficiency professional instruments, which can be used even in extreme conditions, as well as compact devices perfect for smaller buildings and private houses. Since they are autonomous machines, they are installation-free, and will function by simply connecting them to the power outlet.

Biemmedue dehumidifiers lower the humidity level of the site to the desired level, and consequently ensure fast and efficient drying of the flooded buildings.

This is not limited to extreme and dramatic emergency cases: it can also be applied to wetness caused by prolonged water exposure or seepage resulting from accidental pipe damages, sewage overflow or ground raising which can lead to wet walls and floors, causing enormous damage. Biemmedue also meets this need with a line of dehumidifiers which ensure the elimination of humidity from flooded houses, in a faster and easier way, as well as the prevention of harmful mold and fungus.

Biemmedue’s heating is also fundamental per emergency situations which require the rapid heating of temporary shelters for victims of natural disasters, both indoors and outdoors. Arcotherm range of products includes mobile warm air generators corresponding to the logic of mobile or temporary heating for emergencies, for both indoor and outdoor environments, with a relatively contained cost and most importantly with no need for installation.

Due to their maneuverability, mobility, sturdiness, reliability and high flexibility, they are ideal for use in all emergency cases which require a rapid and efficient heating system, such as in temporary structures and shelters (marquees, technical structures, etc…), and are designed to unforeseen situations, such as after floods, earthquakes, collapses, … These are generally uni-combustible products (gasoline or gas), supplied with wheels and/or handling grips, to be equipped with various accessories for different applications, according to each need, and they can be moved according to necessity.

With its professional products, Biemmedue ensures perfect solutions adapted to emergency services and temporary solutions for victims of natural disasters.

Cristian Montà