Hot air generators for pest control and sanitation

"Pest control" (or "Pest management") means control, prevention, monitoring and fight against viruses and bacteria harmful to humans, buildings and the environment through professional sanitation through the use of heat.

In the past, chemicals and pesticides were used to carry out this service which, over time, have had a huge impact on the environment and on the health of people, animals and our planet. In addition, these solutions are losing their effectiveness as viruses and bacteria are becoming stronger. Hence the need to find a new system.

Heating is the most effective method of eliminating infestations quickly and safely

The high temperature makes it impossible for bacteria, pests and parasites to survive. Furthermore, it is a low environmental impact system that avoids any risk of chemical contamination of the environments and of the operator.

Heating is the most effective method of eliminating infestations quickly and safely.png

BIEMMEDUE hot air generators, equipped with all certifications, are the ideal partner for those working in the Pest Control sector: the heat treatment guarantees extremely effective results in a very short time and with a completely natural process, without chemicals, residues. or release of gas, thus resulting in zero impact on the ecosystem.

The heat eliminates the problem in a single treatment

With a temperature that reaches 120 degrees and more, BIEMMEDUE industrial hot air generators go to eliminate the entire infestation: the power of the generator quickly reaches the temperatures of the "killing zone" and continues to rise, guaranteeing the death of all parasites and weeds (which cannot resist this high heat at any stage of their development) with 100% success.

A highly professional sanitization system, 100% natural and effective in a single treatment.

Thanks to the more rapid and uniform distribution of heat in large spaces and in a short time leading to the total elimination of bacteria and pests, the heat treatment is the ideal solution for the control and disinfestation of all containers, cargo and goods that pass through ports and airports every day, with the potential risk that bacteria and pests, capable of withstanding long journeys, can be transported from one country to another and spread.

An ecological method for 100% success in a single treatment: BIEMMEDUE hot air generators for Pest Control