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Hot air generators for thermal disinfection

It is possible to make viruses inactive and disinfect environments with heat treatment of the air

In the past, the system used for disinfection was the use of chemicals and pesticides which, over time, had a huge impact on the environment and on health, resulting in damage to people, animals and the planet.

In addition, this system has lost its effectiveness because viruses have strengthened their resistance to the most commonly used treatments. Hence the need to find a new system.

The disinfection procedure with the use of heat is not only absolutely effective to eliminate any type of virus, such as the flu or Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19), which at temperatures of 56 ° die in the within 30 minutes, but does not use chemicals, it is faster, cheaper and is not harmful to the environment.

The 56 degree heat kills the Virus in one 30 minute treatment

It has been shown that, if heated for 15 minutes at a temperature of 56 ° C, each virus loses its infectivity, to then be totally eliminated in a total of 30 minutes. BIEMMEDUE industrial hot air generators heat the spaces to temperatures that can reach very high levels, thus eliminating the entire infestation: the power of the generator quickly reaches the temperatures of the "killing area" and continues to rise, guaranteeing the death of all viruses (which do not resist this high heat at any stage of their development) with 100% success even in the environments where they nest most frequently, such as buses, trains, waiting rooms, gyms, schools , housing, ...

Hot air as a method to eliminate viruses and bacteria

By using BIEMMEDUE hot air generators for disinfection treatments, you have the advantage of not using chemicals and solving the problem quickly and totally effectively. In addition, at the end of the treatment, the treated environment can be immediately reused without any problem, which is not possible when using chemicals.

It is a safe treatment: 56 degrees do not represent a danger to human health and therefore heat treatment can be used in all places, including those usually most frequented (means of transport, schools, sports centers, shops, offices, companies, …) Than medical ones (hospitals, clinics and health facilities).

An ecological method for 100% success against viruses in one treatment: BIEMMEDUE hot air generators for thermal disinfection