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The Coronavirus emergency of these last weeks has put us all in front of new needs and needs to be able to face and live with this Virus, especially in the workplace, where guaranteeing the safety and health of all workers, employees and collaborators is not only a commitment, but an obligation and a duty.

BIEMMEDUE has adopted all the health precautions necessary to ensure high safety standards for all employees

We have installed the Pillar hand gel floor columns in all the key points to allow careful and accurate sanitation at all times and in an easy and simplified way, compliance with the required distances by applying our Anti-Covid Adhesive Kits at every point of the Company, from offices to production plants and in relaxation, entry and exit and passage areas

The flexibility of these BIEMMEDUE columns allowed us to apply a people counter to monitor the entrances to the changing rooms.

Ensuring the total safety of our working spaces in order to guarantee safe and healthy environments for all our employees is a fundamental imperative to continue offering the same quality and the same values ​​that have distinguished our company all over the world for years.