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BIEMMEDUE machines for professional and industrial cleaning for companies, businesses and individuals

BIEMMEDUE designs, manufactures and distributes a wide range of professional machines dedicated to cleaning in all environments and for all applications and sectors, with particular attention to current regulations and the required European standards.

The goal is to interpret and respond to the needs of the Cleaning market in a concrete, direct and flexible way, offering quality, professionalism and competence for each specific request.

We are always very attentive to development, innovation and research and we guarantee effective products from every point of view and new solutions that are able to save time, costs and efforts for operators and companies working in the cleaning field, but also of cleaning companies.

The ARCOMAT BM2 line includes high-performance, certified, technologically advanced and 100% Made in Italy machines that enter the professional Cleaning panorama and represent the ideal solution for professionals, businesses, individuals and companies.


  • HIGH PRESSURE CLEANERS: Effectiveness, ease of use, reliability and safety: these are the guidelines of the range of professional high pressure washers

  • INDUSTRIAL VACUUMS: Suction power, sturdiness, efficient filtering systems and handy drum handling systems

  • PROFESSIONAL VACUUM CLEANERS: Suction power, manageability, ease of use and silence for professional wet and dry vacuum cleaners

  • SWEEPERS: Sweeping power, constructive sturdiness, autonomy of work: the sweepers are the perfect cleaning partner

  • FLOOR SCRUBBER: Cleaning power, perfect drying, easy handling, autonomy for professional scrubber dryers

  • SINGLE BRUSHES: Balance, construction sturdiness, absence of vibrations, easy handling and safety for functional single disc machines

  • STEAM CLEANERS: Cleaning effectiveness, reliability, safety, complete and eco-friendly sanitization for powerful steam generators

  • OZONE GENERATOR: Complete cleaning and safe sanitization in a high-performance, silent and portable appliance ideal for many work areas

All BIEMMEDUE cleaning machines are easy to use and highly efficient: practicality, ergonomics, small and compact volumes, top quality construction materials and resistance to use make them highly professional cleaning products.

Multiple other strengths of Biemmedue's Arcomat products: cutting-edge design and construction technology, thanks to the use of CAD-CAM systems, specific solutions for the most diverse user sectors, rigorous Quality Control procedures (UNI ENISO 9001: 2008) and compliance with the most stringent international standards of performance and safety.

Biemmedue supports the customer before, during and after the sale

The training and technical assistance service offered, thanks to an excellent internal organization and a high level of competence, ensures each customer a direct line for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of all cleaning products and solutions. suited to your needs.


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