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Operational leasing is a contractual form (similar to financial leasing), where the user of a good, can have the complete use of the good through the payment of a fee, without having to tie up his own financial resources.

Biemmedue, with head office in Cherasco, in the Province of Cuneo, world-leader in the field of professional heating, industrial cleaning and professional dehumidifying, offers its clients, the choice of leasing professional equipment through this system.

Operational leasing, is therefore, an optimum solution which Biemmedue in partnership with a major credit institute, puts at the disposal of its clientele to facilitate the purchase of products and services which would otherwise be inaccessible or in any case, financially demanding.

Biemmedue is specialized in offering financial solutions to the producers of instrumental goods, to assist them in their sales.

The forms required for the handling of the request are simple; a series of computerized and standardized processes and internet portals dedicated to the channel of sales, allow Biemmedue to provide a rapid and efficient service to the client.

The only binding condition required by Biemmedue, to provide operational leasing, is that the client must be an entity with a VAT number, in activity since at least two years.

The fixed monthly or trimonthly rate to be paid to Biemmedue, depends on the payment terms which the client desires: 18 -24 -36 - 48 – months. The payments are entirely deductible. In fact, they are totally deductible for IRES, totally deductible for IRAP, irrespective of capital or interest. And with regards to Basil 2, the used good is “non-asset” and therefore does not result in corresponding asset. To cover possible risks, the rate also includes an All Risk insurance.

The minimum amount for obtaining Operational Leasing on a good supplied by Biemmedue is € 1.200,00 + VAT, to choose as follows:

·      Trimonthly payments up to € 2.500,0, + VAT;

·      Monthly or trimonthly payments for amounts higher than € 2.500,00 + VAT.

The advantages for the client are:

·      Having a fixed cost which includes service and maintenance.

·      There are no down payments: The first payment is at 30 days from the delivery of the good.

·      Financial plan based on monthly/trimonthly payments, depending on its sustainability by the client.

·      The payments include an All Risk insurance policy to cover potential risks.

·      Fiscal advantages resulting from the total IRAP deductibility of the payments.

·      The financial plan does not necessarily need to be restricted to minimum duration requirements (amortization).

·      At the end of the period of use, the client can choose from the following options:

1.    Return the equipment to Biemmedue;

2.    Request Biemmedue for the substitution of the equipment and the formation of a new contract;

3.    Request Biemmedue for the purchase of the equipment at the price determined during the initial negotiation and appropriate for the commercial life of the equipment.