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Biemmedue hot air generators to heat the antennas of a large teleport that works on orbiting satellites

The challenges that our customers propose exalt and push us to get through our limits.
Every request for special application is for us a way to test our machines in unconventional situations.
The strength of the heaters's Bm2 is their versatility to appear themselves to different uses.

This time we went further with the request come from a large teleport where they perform activities of control in orbit of satellites, telecommunications, television and multimedia services.
It's for this, too easy to understand the importance and value of these antennas and equipment.
The problem of the center was the formation of ice in winter on the antennas and the consequent risk of malfunction. After a study of available space we opted for the installation of direct combustion low pressure suspended space heaters,Ga/n models that thanks to their characteristics, they are results ideal for the requested task.

With an exceptional vertical installation, and with various connections of pipes and filters for gas, inserting 4 machines for antennas we were able to solve the problem ensuring a controlled temperature every moments.